Through our work with clients, redesigning and decluttering, tidying and preparing properties both for sale and as refurbishments, we are able to work closely with charities in repurposing household items no longer needed.
Through my work with clients, redesigning and decluttering, tidying and preparing properties both for sale and as refurbishments, I am able to work closely with charities in repurposing household items no longer needed.
I often find clients have unwanted furniture, clothes, books, pictures and homeware. I give what I can to charity, and in particular, I give to charities where I feel I can make a difference. One such charity is – The Childhood Trust, London’s child poverty charity, dedicated to alleviating the impact of poverty on children and young people living in the capital. Decorate A Child’s Life (DACL) is The Childhood Trust’s corporate volunteer programme that redecorates dilapidated bedrooms of children in poverty providing children with safe environments to learn, play, and grow. What I am not able to give to charity, I put online to various sharing/giving websites and anything left I recycle. I throw away as little as possible.
After the decluttering process, clients hopefully understand that by tidying their own belongings they are often in the position to help others.
As Interior Designers, there are many options available to us to style properties. While the possibilities we have are endless, where possible I look to source from British designers, use and repurpose vintage homeware and will always give a sustainable option to our clients where possible. This could be using wood for a floor from a sustainable source or suggesting a vintage bed throw for example. I also have numerous contacts of brilliant craftsman who offer a variety of services that include repainting and styling wooden furniture such as chest of drawers and wardrobes to give a totally different look, companies that source vintage art prints that will complement many interior styles and I also source at antiques fairs, auctions and online sites. This can provide a cost-effective and original home styling solution while bearing the environment in mind.